cycletrip2006 Belgium to Italy PART 2

Monday, July 10, 2006

O Glorious Day..!!!

Friday, July 07, 2006


the old Crematoium, which couldnt deal with its workload and so was the new ones were added, see below. When it was liberated by the Allies, the residents of nearby Dachau town were forced to come and see what had been going on so close to where they lived.
memorial around the back of the Crematorium, specific to the type of resting area. there were numerous ones detailing how the inmates had died.
The Crematorium itself. Bodies were dragged directly from the shower rooms to the left into here, to be placed 3 or 5 at a time into these. In the end the "workload" got so much that they simply brought the inmates into this room and hung them from the beams you can see right in front of the units then put them straight into them to be cremated. they wouldve had
no fight in them whatsoever. even this room became a place of murder. there where so many bodies in Dachau that diseases were many and also contributed to the body count.
In this room, I couldnt help thinking that after all the idealogies and speeches to the millions etc, it all camedown to exactly just this, murdering thousands and thousands in small filthy rooms like this all over the country. it felt horrible.
the only remaining shower head that led nowhere...
inside. they used to cram over 150 into this small room. they would lock the doors and minutes later gas would be dropped into the cute yuo can see on the far wall. it would take about 10 to 15 minutes to kill them all. it wouldve been pitchblack, cramped and stifling.
entrance to the showers
the chutes where the guards used to drop the gas cannisters directly into the shower room.
The Crematorium. The "showers" are in the rooms on the left, the Crematoium itself in the middle and the Remains Processing on the right.
Crematorium memorial
we were led towrds the "showers" and the Crematorium building, and along the way it was explained to us that this green area was out of bounds under pain of death, but then there was also a "moat" ditch followed by rows of barbd wire on the ground, then a doubl wall of electrified barbed wire. even behind that the SS used to run the guard dogs up and down the length of the fence so escape was all but impossible. many used to commit suicide here...
just one of the many experiments carried out by the doctors here. there was absolutely no healing done by any of Dachaus doctors. some of the experiments they thougth up beggared belief, everything from High Pressure testing to Parrallel tests on twins.
this mustve been unbearable.
Carmalite Nuns in The Bunker.
inside The Bunker, it was an exceptionally long low building with cell upon cell, all with particular ways of dealing with inmates.
On the left is the building known as The Bunker, where "special" inmates were housed, including SS who had upset the programme somehow... special treatment was dished out here.
the wall behind the Maintenence Building (left) where many were brought to be executed by firing squads. also gallows were in the corner.
one of the whipping tables, where inmates where forced to kneel down on, then were strapped to it with the strap going over their back and arms so as to render them completely defenceless. you can see the instrument they were beaten with here, an oxtail sinue. more often than not, old piping or chains were also used.
one of the wash rooms where beatings and murder took place on a daily basis. here, you can see the sections where wooden beams have been taken down. it was from these beams that they used to hang inmates by their wrists with chains, but by bending their arms backwards behind them first. this almost always dislocated the shoulders and alone was unbearable. then they proceed to beat them.
our guide, in front of a map detailing the various concentration camps in Germany and the surrounding countries. I had no idea there were so many, and also it was planned to gradually spread them eastwards aswell... unbelievable.
memorial sculpture
memorial sculpture
the bunks in one of the blocks. each "bed" was exceptionally short and narrow and held at least three people, so you can imagine how agonising it mustve been. On top of that, they couldnt move around whilst in bed, or it warranted confinement and beatings, so every 2 hours a bell rang and they all had to turn over. this went on all night. the reason for this was that the programme wanted to get the most work out of each inmate, so it was to induce circulation of blood to keep them from dying i nthe night because of the cramped conditions, and had nothing to do with pity.
this was where everyone who ever went to Dachau had to pass through, signed in by SS and then deloused etc...
detail showing the area, all green, where if an inmate so much as put a foot on it, guards from the tower there had orders to shoot.
the Maintenance Building, being the main building in Dachau, and was dierectly opposite all the inmate buildings, row upon row of them. The Parade Ground can be seen in the foreground here, where, everymorning at 4 or 5 everyone had to stand and be counted for at least one hour, but often more. There are records to show that on one occasion they were forced to stand for more than 72 hours as 2 had escaped and until they were brought back, noone could leave the grounds. It was winter and many died on that occasion because of the cold and snow. At every point, inluding parade counting they were required to hold their heads at 45 degrees towards the floor and not make eye contact, otherwise it was an excuse for the SS Guards to execute them on the spot. Also, they could not move at all whilst on the Parade Ground, agian if they did so, it was inviting execution or torture. Many people were publicly murdered here, and more than one time were beheaded here, that being the most demoralising for the many who had to watch. EVERYTHING had to b done Double Time which means as quick as possible basically, they never could walk and had to run everywhere, which was made more difficult not by their weakness from lack of food or care but also by their "shoes" which were no more than wood with cloth tied over them. thy used to fall off all the time, which warranted more beatings.
which was to give the impression that it was a legitimate labour camp and that inmates could earn their freedom through hard work.
The entrance to the Camp with watchtower and guard room above, where SS Officers used to oversee proceedings
getting off at Dachau trainstation for the beginning of the tour that would show us what went on at the First Labour Camp and what would be the "model" for all variations on Concentration Camps to follow.

Picnic and nudity on the Isar

Viviens shelves, Tollwood and Englands Exit...